At8:00 am on April 23, 2022, Taiwan Paiho held the "Year of 111 Annual CleanCoastal Beach Activity" on the beach along Ke-liao coastline of ShengangTownship, Changhua County. To echo with the calling of "Earth Day", Taiwan Paiho invitedall employees and their families “hand in hand to clean the beach, clean theocean". A total of 110 people responded enthusiastically this time,working together to clean up beach debris and responding to the calling ofenvironmental protection.

Cheng-We Cheng, general manager of Taiwan Paiho, and Cheng-Zong Cheng, executive deputy general manager, led their whole family along with Taiwan Paiho employees and family members to participate in this event. Under the scorching sun, everyone, bent down with sweat, collaborated with each other to pick up trash on the beach. It took only one morning to collect dozens of burlap bags of garbage, and roughly around 1 ton of garbage was collected in total. Despite of the exhausting work, everyone was very excited to see the beach, covered with all kinds of garbage in the beginning, returning to its original appearance. That excitement is coming from our real actions in maintaining the beach, defending the ocean, and protecting the earth.

Inaddition, Taiwan Paiho has launched the "Protecting Coastline Project"starting in 2022, adopting the beach along Ke-liao coastline in ChanghuaCounty's Shengang Township. Taiwan Paiho believes in the importance of marineecological conservation and put in real action to it. In the future, we willregularly hold company-wide beach cleaning activities to demonstrate ourdedication not only on the corporate social responsibility, but also thecontribution to the sustainable earth.