Buckling under a huge wave of new coronavirus infections, as the infection rate increases in Taiwan, running out of blood could be a crisis for the healthcare system.The hospital system has been overwhelmed by the growing number of Covid patients they received.To respond to the call for blood donation, our plan " A Gift that Saves Lives" is in cooperation with the Taichung Blood Donation Center held at the headquarters of Taiwan PAIHO and accepted donations in a mobile facility near the main entrance. We organized all of the employees to participate in the blood donation event, attended by approximately 109 staff and company workers who were led by the General manager.

A total of 109 employees of the company participated in this blood donation event, including 13 people in the department heads, donating a total of 31,750cc of blood, "replenishing" fresh blood for the blood bank.

This blood donation activity is believed to be able to make up for medical blood needs in a timely manner, relieve the blood shortage, give full play to the charity and charity deeds of love and mutual assistance, and save the patients who are in urgent need of blood transfusion and inject more positive circulation into the society.